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News — Transylvania's Finest Food

natural juices

produse ecologice fine Transylvania's Finest Food

natural juices

The importance of natural and organic fruit juices for your health Natural and organic fruit juices are a healthy and tasty option to enhance your diet and indulge your taste buds. In particular, the apple and pear juices from Transilvania´s Finest Foods, produced 100% organically in Transilvania, offer a special nutritional intake. Why are natural and organic juices so important to our health? First, they keep the nutritional benefits of fresh fruit intact, without harmful chemical additives or preservatives. Thus, we can directly benefit from the essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that fruits offer us in their purest form. Another...

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Dry mushrooms / morel mushrooms

produse ecologice fine Transylvania's Finest Food

Dry mushrooms / morel mushrooms

  Morel mushrooms are an excellent choice both for those who appreciate their intense taste and smoky aroma, and for those who like high nutritional foods. In addition, these mushrooms are available all year round, which means that you can enjoy their unique taste at any time. The benefits of consuming morel mushrooms are multiple and varied. These mushrooms are high in antioxidants, which help fight the harmful effects of free radicals and slow down the aging process of cells. In addition, watercress has antimicrobial properties and can help prevent bacterial infections. Studies have shown that regular consumption of morel mushrooms can...

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Truffles - hidden treasures

produse ecologice fine Transylvania's Finest Food

Truffles - hidden treasures

The ancient forests of Transylvania harbor many hidden treasures, including the black truffle, known as the "black diamond of Transylvania". There are various types of truffles that grow under the forest floor throughout the year. Between April and August, you can find black summer truffles (tuber aestivum), and in the coldest months of the year, winter truffles (tuber brumale). With its strong smell and intense taste, the truffle can be used to enhance a wide variety of pasta, meat, risotto dishes or it can be used to create delicious truffle oil, butter or truffle salt. Possessing a refined and unmistakable...

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Organic black garlic - made in Transylvania!

Fine dining organic produse ecologice fine Sistemul imunitar Transylvania's Finest Food Usuroi Negru Vitamine naturale

Organic black garlic - made in Transylvania!

Usturoiul negru bio oferă multiple beneficii:
Antioxidant puternic: Luptă împotriva radicalilor liberi și protejează celulele de stresul oxidativ. Antiinflamator natural: Reduce inflamațiile, prevenind bolile cardiovasculare, diabetul de tip 2 și problemele digestive.
Proprietăți antimicrobiene: Combate infecțiile, sprijinind sistemul imunitar și promovând sănătatea generală. Nutrient bogat: Susține funcționarea optimă a organismului și întărește sistemul imunitar.

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