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Black truffles

Fine dining produse ecologice fine transilvania Transylvania's Finest Food trufe Trufe congelate

Discover the deliciousness of frozen truffles from the forests of Transylvania: Freshness at your home in just 24 hours!

Black truffles

Enjoy the refined and savory aroma of fresh frozen truffles, brought directly from the heart of the forests of Transylvania. In our mission to provide the highest quality products, we deliver exceptional truffles to every corner of the country so you can enjoy this lush delicacy in the comfort of your own kitchen.

Truffles for sale

Guaranteed freshness, fast delivery

Our frozen truffles are carefully packed in special polystyrene boxes, accompanied by ice, to ensure freshness throughout the transport. In just 24 hours after ordering, you will have an authentic culinary experience, bringing the magic of Transylvania's forests directly to your plate.

Black truffles

The right quality for your tastes

We take care to fulfill all culinary preferences. We offer large truffles, perfect for quality 1, with intense flavors and fine textures.

Frozen truffles

For those who appreciate a more subtle experience, we have small, nut-like truffles suitable for quality 2. All these delights are delivered in vacuum packaging, designed to preserve their authenticity and freshness.

Frozen truffles

Explore our variety of Truffle Products

In addition to frozen truffles , we also offer a diverse range of delicious truffle products. From truffle oil to sauces and chocolate, we are dedicated to bringing the unique flavor of truffles to every aspect of your gastronomy.

Choose to pamper your senses with authentic truffles from the forests of Transylvania! Order now and discover a culinary universe full of flavor and sophistication.

Truffle products

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