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Recipes — trufe

Discover the secret of a perfect focaccia with dough made from BIO durum wheat flour!

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Discover the secret of a perfect focaccia with dough made from BIO durum wheat flour!

Focaccia dough recipe made from black durum wheat flour Bio Focaccia is a type of flat bread, originating in Italy, which is part of the sourdough bread family. It is known for its crispy crust and soft, fluffy core, often sprinkled with salt and flavors such as rosemary, olives or garlic.

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Pasta with sliced ​​truffles

retete celebre Transylvania's Finest Food trufe Trufe uscate

Pasta with sliced ​​truffles

Pasta recipe with dried sliced ​​truffles

A simple and elegant recipe that combines the flavor of sliced ​​dried truffles is Truffle Pasta. Dried and sliced ​​black truffles from Transylvania are a luxurious ingredient that adds a touch of sophistication and intense flavor to any dish.

Our Truffle Pasta recipe combines black truffles from Transylvania, a culinary luxury, with simplicity for an unforgettable experience. The intense flavor of truffles brings sophistication to every meal, connecting you to nature and Transylvanian tradition.​

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