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Bruschette Cardinal recipe - "poor man's food"

produse ecologice fine retete traditionale Transylvania's Finest Food


A bruschette recipe as simple and easy as it is delicious: Bruschette Cardinal.

As you well know, the bruschette recipe belongs to appetizers of Italian origin.

South of Naples, in the Calabria region, bruschetta is called Fedda ruscia (fried bread slice) and is eaten with olive oil, salt, pepper and oregano or paprika.

For the preparation of "Poor man's food" (as it is also called) - at Transylvania's Finest Food - we replaced olive oil with castor oil; and to keep the Mediterranean notes, I refined the recipe with: mascarpone and parmesan. Don't take our word for it and try this simple but very tasty and healthy appetizer yourself, if you choose to prepare it with ingredients suitable for your needs.

As the basis of the bruschette recipe is bread seasoned with different ingredients, we cannot help but discuss some of its curiosities and benefits.

Curiosities about bread

Benefits of bread

Bruschette Cardinale aperitif recipe - a simple and easy recipe in case you want something tasty and healthy, or unannounced guests cross your threshold 😉


Curiosities about bread

  • Romanians are among the biggest consumers of bread in Europe.
  • Used in moderation, bread provides the necessary energy for the brain and nervous system and helps to transform food into energy, contributing at the same time to the regulation of intestinal functions
  • The bread is not fattening ! ...but her inappropriate associations with certain foods. Thus, it is recommended by some nutritionists for weight loss, due to its low content of lipids, sugar and fats.
  • ... it may sound paradoxical to some, but bread helps control weight ! It brings the body a significant supply of fibers, proteins and carbohydrates ; thus providing a feeling of satiety for a long time. If you consume quality bread in moderation, you can avoid "munching" between meals.
  • Avoid storing bread in plastic or near a heat source (fridge, washing machine, stove, hot plate). The closer the bread is kept to the heat, the faster it moulds. Bread is not kept in plastic , but in paper bags, special containers or even in a towel (as the old people used to keep it).
  • The bread cannot be kept in the refrigerator, but it can be optimally kept in the freezer.
  • Trick to have warm bread the next day: heat the bread in the oven at 250 degrees Celsius for about 10 minutes.

Benefits of bread

🥖 bread with mayo - due to its lower glycemic index than bread made with yeast - is recommended for diabetics ;

🥖 wholemeal bread - it is the richest in minerals, fibers and amino acids; helps maintain weight and maintains normal blood pressure values ;


🥖 bread with bran - it is very rich in B vitamins and is an important source of fiber; bread with bran helps to assimilate iron, magnesium and calcium in the body; this type of bread is especially recommended for feeding children

🥖 black bread is a natural source of vitamins (B1, B2, B3 and E), phosphorus and minerals; the glycemic index is relatively low and can be consumed by everyone .

🥖 rye bread - richer in fiber than white bread - helps intestinal transit and prevents constipation .


🥖 graham bread - contributes to lowering cholesterol , controls diabetes, lowers cardiovascular risk, helps to lose weight.

Bruschette Cardinale aperitif recipe - a simple and easy recipe in case you want something tasty and healthy, or unannounced guests cross your threshold 😉

For this recipe you need:

Bread (of your choice)

120 g mascarpone

30 g of castor oil

60 g grated parmesan

The bread is sliced ​​diagonally, approximately 4 cm thick; add - depending on the size of the slice of bread - a teaspoon of castor oil, on top we put a layer of mascarpone of almost 1 and a half cm - then the upper layer of the bruschetta is made of parmesan - to taste.

Thus prepared, the bruschettas will be placed in the oven for approximately 6-7 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees C.

For more details, follow the video recipe



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